Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Yay for Free Cone Day!

Every few weeks or so, I end up having to stop at the gas station in the town where E has day care. When I do, it's been mine and E's little secret to get a donut at the gas station. Money is tight this week (and I'm eating healthy!), so I confessed to Mark, and he said "no more."

Yesterday, my gas light came on after I picked her up, so E and I stopped to get gas. I waited for her to ask...

"Mama! We go in and get a donut?"
"Um, actually, Daddy said that we shouldn't spend money on donuts right now."
"What are you talking about?"
"Daddy says we need to spend our money on groceries, and he's right."
"Why would Daddy *say* that?"

I tried to explain best I could. Then I told her we would buy some flour at the grocery store to make cookies at home. She was perfectly content with that, so we baked cookies in the afternoon.

Today when I was driving home from day care, she told me she just "wanted to drive around a little bit" before going home, so I took the long way home past her favorite farms with horses. But when I pulled in our driveway, she had a meltdown.

"I just want to go to the donut place."
"I don't have money for donuts."
"Yes. You do!" she said sternly.
"E! I really don't. I'm done talking about this."

"I need to call Daddy!!" she cried. "Oh, he'll love this," I thought. I dialed his number and put the phone on speaker. He answered.

"Daddy, I just want to get some donuts at the donut place, and Mommy says we can't because we don't have any money and I want to go."
"Mommy is right. We can't get donuts right now."
"But I just want them!"
"I know. I'm sorry."

Then she got quiet, so he asked if she was still there.

She said, "I'm here. I'm eating my boogers, because we can't go get donuts."

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