Thursday, April 10, 2014

Back on Track

Me & Mark, College Graduation - 2005
So, yesterday was an all-around crazy, worrisome day. There was a lot of praying, meditating, and long phone calls to family at our house!

I ate well -- just meaning that I didn't have time to snack but got in my fruits and Shakeology in the morning and a reasonable dinner, which was fine.

Focusing on this eating plan and exercise has somehow made housework fall to the wayside... the way, wayside... the dark side (cringes).

Mark, who has been supporting me on this journey to household and bodily harmony, actually insisted that we go to bed early -- at 10:30. I finished up my freelance work, left the dishes and messy counters, skipped my workout, and just crashed.

Mark rubbed my back as I worried out loud about anything and everything, and sometime in between my long speech, I just fell asleep.

I think it was for the best, because I woke up to a sunny, beautiful Thursday, and I feel more rested than I have in a long time.

As of today, I've been doing the Challenge pack almost religiously for 2 weeks. I haven't been great about posting pics, and I did miss 2 workouts, but I'm doing it to the best of my ability with a busy schedule and a wild 2-year-old. I'm giving myself a break and starting fresh today.

So, as of this moment I'm going to take everything I have learned over the last month about eating right, housekeeping, and exercise, and put it to use, starting a mini schedule/daily-guide for the next week and challenging myself more to get my apartment and life back in order (at least a little bit).

Step 1 is to forgive myself for not always being able to give 100% and to praise myself for all I have done. As of today I've lost 8lbs. 197! More to come!

And here's my plan for today:
7:00-8:00 - Get E out the door!
8:00 - Social Media/Blog, Get Myself Ready!
8:30 - Day Job
1:00 - Get E!
1:30 - Grocery Shopping!
2:30 - Dishes & Kitchen
3:30 - Exercise
4:00 - Play Time!
4:30 - Dinner Prep
5:00 - Dinner, Dishes
6:00 - Bathtime
6:30 - Bedtime
7:00 - Pickup Living Room
7:30 - Freelance Work
9:30 - Laundry, Pick Out Clothes, Meal Prep
10:30 - Bed

Yeah, I'm tired just looking at this plan... early to bed again tonight, and TG tomorrow IF!!

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