Sunday, February 9, 2014

Where I've Been & What's Up Next

"Mark, stand under this sign and smile."
"Why? What does the sign say?"
"Just do it!"

Hi all,

First off, thank you for your patience in waiting for my next blog post this week. My little girl spiked a fever of 103.8 mid week. Yikes! Midnight bath to cool her down, and lots of fever-reducing medicine to get her back to a manageable temp! Mark and I did our usual trade-off system, where I go to work for a few hours in the morning, we trade off before noon, and he works from home, then I jump back on my laptop when E goes down for her nap to wrap up any last minute tasks before the end of the day. In between is all chaos, pushing E to drink liquids, and watching Care Bears.

I also worked on a new logo design this week and updated the YMIS Design site.

And in other big news, I'm pleased to announce that I've joined the team of writers at the BVT Moms Blog. Check out my profile on the Contributors' Page! What does this mean for YMIS? Everything stays exactly the same! Once a month, I'll just write a piece for BVT Moms, and I'll make sure to let you all know via Facebook/Twitter/this blog, so you can mosey on over there and check it out! For the month of February, I'm doing an intro piece about me. I'm thinking that the best way to introduce myself and my family is to start from the very beginning and tell about Mark's proposal. It really sums up our life mission and expectations and sets the stage for future stories about times when I should have been disappointed but was instead head-over-heels in love with my simple life. Haha!

Also stay tuned for the following this spring!
  • I'm redesigning my Etsy shop to provide more digital scrapbooking supplies and drawing/doodling templates. It's going to transform into the YMIS Digital Dollar Store. I can't wait!
  • I'll be starting a new housecleaning/household management schedule for myself that I'm sure I'll abandon in a week, but whatever!
  • Per the poll I posted this week, I see that the majority of my readers (all 7 of you, 5 of whom I believe to be me accidentally voting too many times, and 1 of whom was Mark) would prefer more drawing/artsy posts and tutorials with the usual family story thrown in. Vote, and you shall receive! More drawing and doodling this week, and stay tuned for some video tutorials on lettering and doodling!
  • We're starting the (very) beginning stages of building our (mini) dream home. So, I'm putting together a virtual dream board of everything I want in my future home. Will share soon! Lava lamp. Check. Rotating bed with tiger-print throw blanket. Check.
Well, dinner is in the oven, and I expect E will wake up any minute from her late nap, so I'm off! Take care lovely readers, and I'll check in again soon this week!

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