If someone else said that, I’d probably have an Uncle Buck
moment… I don't think I want to know a
six-year-old who isn't a dreamer, or a silly-heart. And I sure don't want to
know one who takes their student career seriously. I don't have a college
degree. I don't even have a job. But I know a good kid when I see one. Because
they're ALL good kids, until dried-out, brain-dead skags like you drag them
down and convince them they're no good. You so much as scowl at my niece, or
any other kid in this school, and I hear about it, I'm coming looking for you!
But I laugh and say, “Yep, that’s her.” Her day care is amazing,
and I know what Sarah means. E is sometimes “somewhere else.” She has
incredible focus and will play at the same activity for as long as 45 minutes,
pouring water in cups, putting lids on yogurt containers, but she also has this
incredible and early-developed ability to imagine and remember things.
The other morning, after a rough night’s sleep, she woke up really
upset and refused to get ready for day care, because she wanted to ride in the stroller.
I told her that we couldn’t go, and she had a meltdown. Trying to come up with a quick solution, I put her on my lap
and bounced her gently. I said, “Let’s pretend we’re riding in the stroller,
while I get you dressed.” I pointed out imaginary scenes, “Hey, it’s the pond!
I see a duck!” and “OH, there’s a dog in the park!” I thought she was ignoring
me – she had quietly settled into my arms and was groggily staring off into the
distance. So, I stopped and focused on getting her dressed. Then she sat up
straight, pointed at the ceiling and said, “Mama! The blue sky!!”
It was like her little imagination clicked on. Sarah said
that at an early age (I remember at about 9-10 months old), she would put toys
together – like put a pig on a car and say, “Pig! Ride!” And yesterday, she was
absolutely thrilled to pretend a toy duck was going down a slide from a picture
in her truck book. I asked if she wanted to go down the slide too. I thought
she might try to climb into the book, to literally get on the tiny slide. She
reached for it at first. Then she stopped, put her arms in the air, threw her
head back, put her legs up, and said “Weeeeeee!!!!” The bed
faded away, replaced by a bright yellow slide under an afternoon sun, wind
flying through her hair, blue sky above. I even felt the sudden rush of panic
that I get when I have to catch her unexpectedly at the bottom. How fun!
Today, she is 17 months old. How can she imagine so much, being
so young? I’m unbelievably proud of her, and I also feel a huge responsibility
to develop this ability. Right now, it’s just fun – she takes the
blue bucket (the same one we used to give the cricket a ride) and uses it as a
hat. She pulls it over her head completely, so she can’t see, and runs around
the apartment. I imagine that, in the bucket, pretty blue light bounces around
as it shines through the partially-transparent plastic. She’s hypnotized by it as
she twirls in wide circles. I laugh and chase after her, trying to prevent disaster – a crash
into the table, corner-cupboard, TV stand.
But someday it will save her. It will make her more and more
creative – and smart. And when life gets to be too much, she will dream and imagine
about how to make it better. And she’ll do it!
Our conversation this morning:
“E, are you beautiful?”
“Are you smart?”
“Can you do anything you want?”
It’s true! And I love you!
Love, love, love this. Beautiful writing, beautiful girl, beautiful Momma!
Thanks, Kim!!
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