As soon as E woke up, I could hear her on her monitor from our room, "Mama!!! Go, go, go!?" Of course, I stumble out of bed like a lazy zombie, no bra, hair frizzed out in all directions.
"What?" I mumble.
"Go, go go!! Water!"
"Oh, okay, well we have to get ready first."
Mark is in the same state as I am, so he does his best to help shuffle us out the door. Diaper bag packed, sandals on. I scrounge around for my jeans I was wearing yesterday and my sunglasses. Before my eyes are completely open, I'm driving to the hotel for a swim.
And, gah! I love it. I used to wake up early with lots of energy and want to get right out the door. Even though she pushes me out a little earlier than I'd like, with hardly any time to get myself ready or a bag packed (I usually forget a few things), I'm so happy to be on the go with her. It was a beautiful weekend.
Last night, Mark insisted we have some time together after E was in bed. I could tell he hadn't quite been himself lately -- off in his own world a bit, sneaking away from the chaos, cherishing his few moments with us, then retreating into his own quiet space. We both have days like that. Though, I was a little concerned when, before E went to bed, I was sitting in her room ready for story time, and he was in the kitchen brushing her teeth. I heard him say, "Ok, go get Mama. She's ready to put you to bed."
E came running into her room chewing on her toothbrush and wielding a candle lighter that I was sure she swiped from the kitchen counter, now more within her reach. She was all smiles and giggles, and I knew Mark was oblivious.
"Mark! Did you see what your daughter has?"
He yelled back, half-heartedly, "Oh yeah. No running with your toothbrush..."
"Um... ok."
I swiped it from her, read her a few stories -- she would only let me read her absolute favorite, "Hooper Humperdink? Not Him!" sang a few songs, and tucked her in.
Then Mark and I played MTG and Parcheesi and chatted, like old times. He said at one point, "You know... we could do this almost every night...!" Haha! Yep, it's amazing what we can do when we take a break from TV/work/the couch. Since E has been born, we crave that relaxation time, but I forgot how much fun it was to reconnect over board games -- and how relaxing it is too.
At one point, he even scolded me for checking Facebook on my phone. He was right. We needed phone-free time. It was nice.
Then Monday came. This morning I caught E wearing her tshirt as pants and saying, "Go, go, go!" I explained that we were going to day care today, but she didn't seem to mind as long as it meant going somewhere. When I tried to get in the shower, she barged in and demanded an explanation of why we weren't go-go-going right away. I told her that I needed to get in the shower first. Mark stood in the doorway, holding her shirt.
"Mama!! Get in shower?"
"Yes, I have to take a shower before we go."
"Luh-luh-luh shower?"
She thought about it a minute longer then closed the door on Mark as if to say, "Mama needs to take a shower... get out," and stood facing me. "There, Mama."
"Wait a minute..." I opened the door and ushered her out too.
She went off to daycare fine, and I enjoyed a relatively quiet morning at work. Now I'm off to work on her room some more before we go go go to the park later.
Currently Listening To
My Girl, by the Temptations
Weather in VT
Sunny, hot, thunderstorms, cool, cloudy, etc.!
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