Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tuesday Morning

The Tuesday morning after having Monday off seems to combine all the horrors of 2 Mondays...

This one was no exception.

For 3 reasons:

1. Waiting 3 hours for my muffler to get fixed with a 5-month old who has learned to screech like a T-rex.

2. The guy in the mechanic shop waiting room who wanted to talk about God for 3 hours and who, when he asked my name and I told him, said, "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet..." Thanks, Bill Shakespeare. That makes no sense in the context of our conversation. In fact, I think it's actually offensive.

3. Skipping breakfast, stopping at Dunkin' Donuts, and getting the usual Dunkin' Donuts guy
     3a. forgetting my muffin
     3b. having DD guy chase me down yelling "muffin" "muffin!!"
     3c. having DD guy blush and say, "Uhh... I'm not calling *you* muffin."
     3d. me saying, "Yeah, I didn't think so."
     3e. him saying, "oh."

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