Saturday, January 28, 2012


119 has always been my lucky number. Apparently it's the same for this guy! Haha! I wonder what it all means...

It sounds like a Twilight Zone episode that would make Rod Serling blush.
Call it a mere coincidence, if you will. Or see it as a rising anti-panties movement. It might even be seen as one more sign of the impending apocalypse … one that those ancient Mayans missed.

Whatever the explanation, the facts are clear: Exactly 119 pairs of women's underwear have been stolen ... twice!

The panty pilferages occurred more than one year and 1,500 miles apart.

Last year in Bismarck, North Dakota 23-year-old David Haberstroh got two years in prison after he was caught with 119 stolen girly undies.

David had been banned from possessing panties at all, the result of a previous underwear adventure. So 119 was really too many.

Then just last week, Victoria's Secret in Springfield, Pennsylvania reported that 119 pairs of panties were taken from a store display.

What is it about 119 pairs of panties What does it all mean?

We have scoured every resource from Nostradamus to old Sears catalogs for answers, but so far we only have more questions.

Questions like: Doesn't anybody steal bras any more?

-Article courtesy of Investigation Discovery

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