Friday, May 9, 2014

Biking It!

We had a great biking day yesterday! I picked up E at day care, and we rode to the park. It was about 2 miles round-trip, pretty short for a bike ride, but wow! I felt it -- especially with a 35lb. toddler on the back of my bike. The way back was mostly up-hill, and I thought I wouldn't make it. Haha! But we did great, and E loved it!

I think we'll try a more-level bike path next, but it looks like rain today, and my back needs a day of rest. So, yoga is on the schedule this afternoon!

As you can see from the pic yesterday, E is quickly outgrowing the bike seat, so I'm also hoping to rent a cart next to pull E along behind me. Though, I am hoping we can get a few more weeks out of this rig!

Yesterday, we rode past some landscapers, and a guy yelled, "Hey, can I have a ride?" and I didn't know if he was just being funny or alluding to the fact that I was basically sitting on E's lap. Boys are weird. Regardless, this is working great for us, and I can't wait to get back out there!

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