I'm participating in a blog tour for Monica Leonelle. She is a well-known digital media strategist and the author of three novels. She blogs at Prose on Fire (http://proseonfire.com) and shares her writing and social media knowledge with other bloggers and authors through her Free Writer Toolkit (http://proseonfire.com/free-writer-toolkit).
I've found her tools really useful as a blogger and hope to apply them as I experiment with some different writing projects in the future!
Monica is the author of the Socialpunk trilogy. Here is a blurb about the series:

Socialpunk is available for purchase at:
Barnes & Noble (http://monicaleonelle.com/SocialpunkB)
or Amazon (http://monicaleonelle.com/SocialpunkA).
Barnes & Noble (http://monicaleonelle.com/SocialpunkB)
or Amazon (http://monicaleonelle.com/SocialpunkA).
Giveaway! Sign up here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
love pregnancy blogs and mamma blogs. thanks!
How did I miss this comment? :-) Anyway, so glad you stopped by! Thanks for reading!
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